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Education & Services

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


American Youthworks

Help provide young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communication, and improve the environment.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


Austin Achieve Public Schools

Help provide tuition-free education to low-income families.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.



Help ensure school readiness for low-income young children, and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


Communities in Schools

Help surround students with a community of support that empowers them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


Reach Out and Read

Help integrate reading into pediatric practices, advise families about the importance of reading with their children, and share books that serve for a healthy childhood development.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


Literacy Coalition of Central Texas

Help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty through holistic literacy services.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.

Help fight and advocate against HIV, and help those who need it the most.


Texas Can Academy

Help give those who dropped out of education a second chance at the career they are most interested in.

Help fight Alzheimer's, honor loved ones, and bring care to those who need it.


Ann Richards School for Girls

Help raise funds and form partnerships to advance education, empower young women, and create opportunities for them.


Austin Partners in Education

Help provide student-centric tutoring and mentoring programs to improve college and career readiness in young adults.


Book Spring

Help build literacy skills and the motivation to read through increasing home libraries and reading aloud activities for children.



Help increase girls' interest and engagement in STEM careers.



Help inspire children to be confident and creative thinkers through play-based STEAM learning experiences.

CNA with 3 ELL Students.webp

Literary Coalition of Williamson County

Help provide adults with access to quality education and job training so that they can enter sustainable careers and secure a better tomorrow.


The Girls School of Aus

Help provide an academically challenging education for girls in a community that fosters creative learning and personal excellence.


Any Baby Can

Work with families to build stability, develop skills, and unlock a child's full potential.


Austin Sunshine Camps

Help provide low-income children with enriching summer camp activities.


Code 2 College

Help increase the number of minority and low-income high school students who enter and excel in STEM careers.


Jubilee Academies District

Help provide education to low-income families.



Help win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements.



Help "post-traditional" students earn college degrees without putting life on hold.


E3 Alliance

Help build the strongest educational pipeline in the country to drive regional economic prosperity.

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